Impact of Modernization

Modernization is often interpreted as a process of change from the attitude or mentality of each community that is changed to meet the needs of the present.

Society will always change, and the changes that occur in the community is logical and inevitable, even if the change is in a community will be different from the other community.

Likewise, the process of modernization, that is, a modernization that occurs in certain societies, will be different from other societies, both in terms of process and acceptance, depending on the needs and desires of the community.

Changes that occur as a result of this modernization process will captivate society in consumerist culture, hedonism, etc.
Definition of Modernization
Modernization is often interpreted as a process of change from the attitude or mentality of each community that is changed to meet the needs of the present.

Literally, modernization is a process to change itself into a more modern society, which means the process of changing this society from ancient or traditional society to modern or advanced society.

Modernization is a social phenomenon where we can directly observe the symptoms in human life. We can see the manifestation of the modernization process directly in the development of society in the world or even in Indonesia.

Modernization According to Experts
Not only in general, but the understanding of the term Modernization is also expressed by several experts, namely as follows:
  • Soerjono Soekanto, Modernization is a form of social change based on a plan called social planning.
  • Wilbert E Moore, Modernization is a way to change the whole of people's lives from traditional to modern with the aim of stabilizing a country's economy.
  • Widjojo Nitisastro, Modernization is a total transformation or change from traditional life and social organization to economic and political models.
  • JW School, Modernization is a transformation, a change that occurs in all aspects of society. Modernization theory describes the process of transformation from ancient or traditional societies to modern or advanced societies.
Symptoms Of Modernization
Modernization is part of the change process that is carried out in accordance with the plan and also established guidelines. In general, there are symptoms of modernization that are shown in certain fields.

The following are the symptoms of Modernization as follows:
  1. Culture (Field of Culture), this phenomenon is usually characterized by the urgency of traditional culture through cultural influences from abroad, so that traditional culture is gradually disappearing.
  2. Politics (Politics), this phenomenon is usually marked by the increasing number of countries free from colonialism, so that there are many newly independent states, the growth of democratic countries, the birth of political institutions and also the recognition of human rights.
  3. Economics (Economics), this phenomenon is generally characterized by the existence of more complex human needs in the needs of goods and services. Therefore, this condition creates conditions for producing goods by the industrial sector.
  4. Social Sector, this phenomenon is generally characterized by the increasing number of social groups or new institutions in people's lives, each social element shows class differences and also social status.
General Characteristics of Modernization
After understanding the symptoms that arise from Modernization, then you also need to know the characteristics of Modernization. Following are the characteristics of Modernization, namely:
  • Have a high enough level of organization, especially self-discipline.
  • The authority is centralized in the implementation of social planning.
  • A good administrative system can carry out its bureaucratic reforms.
  • There is a regular data collection system
  • The nature of scientific thought is institutionalized in the life of authority and society
  • Create an atmosphere that can be enjoyed by the public for modernization through the use of mass communication devices.
Impact of Modernization on Society
From the emergence of Modernization, this will certainly have an impact on society, both direct and indirect impacts, positive or negative. The following are the effects of Modernization, namely:

1. Positive Impact
The positive impact of modernization can be seen by the community through greater community integration to make it more open, so that interaction between people in the community is better.

In addition, the positive impact of other Modernization is by increasing science and also technology, industry, and transportation, which are getting more advanced and also increasing public awareness about political and democratic issues.

2. Negative Impact
In addition to the positive impacts, Modernization also has a negative impact on people's lives, including:
  • There are community gaps in the economic and social fields
  • Cause pollution of the surrounding natural environment
  • Increasing crime
Modernization inhibiting factors
  1. The lack of relationships with external communities
  2. Experiencing a very slow development of education
  3. Community's strong attitude towards the traditions they have
  4. There is a sense of concern from the community if shaking occurs
  5. Often reject the existence of new things
Factors driving the occurrence of Modernization
  1. The intensity of relationships or contacts with other cultures.
  2. Having an advanced education.
  3. Having an open attitude towards the community.
  4. The attitude to want to develop and also advance from the community itself.

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