Efforts to Resolve Gender Problems

Gender disparities in various fields of development can be seen from the still low opportunities that women have for work and business, as well as the low access of women to economic resources, technology, information, markets, credit, and working capital. Although the income of women workers provides a significant contribution to income and family welfare, women are still considered as additional income earners and family workers.
Efforts to Resolve Gender Problems
The main activities of the government program in empowering women include;
  1. Improving the quality of life of women through affirmative action, especially in the fields of education, health, law, employment, social, politics, environment, and economics.
  2. Increased efforts to protect women from various acts of violence, exploitation, and discrimination, including efforts to prevent and overcome them.
  3. Development and improvement of legal instruments and policies to improve the quality of life and protection of women in various development fields in the regions.
  4. Implementation of communication, information, and education to improve the quality of life and protection of women in the regions.
  5. Preparation of a recording and reporting system, a system for handling and resolving cases of violence, exploitation, and discrimination against women.
  6. Development of hospital-based and community-based integrated service centers at the provincial and district or city level as a means of protecting women victims of violence, including women victims of domestic violence.
  7. Increasing the role of the public and media in overcoming pornography and porno-action.
Many things can be done to improve the quality of women's empowerment, including the following;
  1. Through educational channels, both formal and informal.
  2. The creation of good partnerships between men and women, both in the public and domestic sphere, by having the same perception about the dimensions of difference and equality.
  3. Trying to empower themselves by increasing self-confidence.
  4. Understand the purpose of life and can open yourself to deliberation. The rapid flow of information at this time requires women to exploit their potential through career development outside the home.
  5. Conducting gender analysis training or education, in order to increase knowledge, understanding, and awareness about gender and increase capacity in program policies or development planning.
  6. Promote women's involvement in every process and decision making.

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