Tips for Shopping for Food during The COVID-19 Pandemic
In the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak, you are encouraged to do physical distancing by not leaving the house, except for important things, such as grocery shopping. However, this also needs to be done carefully. Check out the grocery shopping tips for the following COVID-19 pandemic.
The government enforces the rules of large-scale social restrictions, almost all activities of work, study, and worship carried out at home. This was done as an effort to suppress the spread of the Coronavirus.
However, places for selling basic needs, such as markets, supermarkets, minimarkets, and grocery stores, are still permitted to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. The community is also still allowed to go to these places to buy food supplies and daily necessities.
Even so, you need to remain vigilant and take steps to prevent COVID-19 so as not to get infected with Coronavirus when shopping.
Tips for Shopping Groceries Safely
To prevent transmission of the Coronavirus, the following are tips for grocery shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic;
1. Make sure you are healthy
Before going outside to shop for groceries, make sure you are in good health. If you suffer from symptoms of COVID-19, which are fever, cough, runny nose, or shortness of breath, it is advisable not to go outside and undergo independent isolation.
To shop for groceries or daily necessities, use the online shopping application or delivery service. As well as being practical, this method can minimize contact with many people thereby reducing your risk of contracting or transmitting the Coronavirus.
2. Avoid shopping at rush hour
Avoid shopping during peak hours to avoid crowds. That way, your risk for exposure to Coronavirus from others will also be lower.
You can shop in the morning when the supermarket has just opened or in the evening before the supermarket closes. If you shop at a traditional market, avoid shopping in the morning because it tends to be more crowded.
3. Wear a mask when leaving the house
When traveling out of the house to shop, don't forget to wear a mask. If you are healthy, wear a cloth mask. However, if you are sick and forced to leave the house, wear a surgical mask. Make sure the mask you use can cover your nose and mouth perfectly.
Avoid touching the face and the inside of the mask because it can make the mask contaminated with germs from the hands.
If you want to improve the position of the mask, wash your hands first or use a hand sanitizer, then fix the position of the mask by tightening the mask strap or fixing the mask's hook on the ear.
4. Always carry a hand sanitizer
You can use a hand sanitizer to clean the trolley handle or shopping basket that is often held by others. Choose hand sanitizers that contain alcohol at a minimum level of 60%.
5. Keep your distance from others
When leaving the house, it is important to always implement physical distancing wherever you are, including when shopping. Try to always keep a distance of at least 1 meter from other people, be it the seller, the supermarket clerk, or fellow buyers.
6. Stock of food
So you do not need to go out too often, buy enough food to be consumed for 1-2 weeks. So that you do not forget, first note what ingredients are needed and how much you want to buy.
Avoid panic buying or buying goods excessively because it can use up the stock of daily necessities in the market so that others who need it don't get it.
When choosing food, choose healthy and nutritious foods to keep your immune system strong, such as fruits and vegetables, eggs, fish, meat, beans, tofu, and tempeh. You can also buy vitamin and mineral supplements if indeed the intake of nutrients from food alone is not enough.
7. Choose a non-cash payment method (cashless)
If possible, use the non-cash or cashless method to pay for groceries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Avoid paying for groceries with cash, debit cards or credit cards because of the potential to transmit germs, including the Coronavirus.
If you are forced to use cash or cards to pay, immediately clean your hands with a hand sanitizer after receiving change or pressing the button on the EDC machine. Remember, do not touch your face with your hands that have not been washed.
Tips for cleaning freshly purchased food
Until now, there has been no evidence or research that says that the Coronavirus can be transmitted through food.
However, the Coronavirus is known to survive for several hours to several days on the surface of objects, including food packaging. The length of time the Coronavirus stays on the surface of an object depends on the material of the object, and the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air.
If you feel that food or food packaging that has been purchased is at risk of Coronavirus contamination, do the following tips:
Wash your hands after shopping
Wash your hands with soap and running water for 20 seconds after handling food packaging, before removing food from the packaging, before cooking, and before eating.
Clean the food that you just bought
To clean food packaging, you can use hand sanitizers, alcohol, or wet wipes with antibacterial ingredients.
Meanwhile, to clean vegetables and fruit, you can wash it with running water and special soap for food for about 20 seconds. Avoid washing food ingredients with detergent or disinfectant, because cleaning products can be dangerous if swallowed.
After that, discard the plastic bags used to carry groceries and clean the table or other place where the groceries were placed before.
Food ingredients until fully cooked
To be safer for consumption, food ingredients should be cooked first until completely cooked. Also, make sure the food is washed thoroughly before cooking.
Shopping for food during the COVID-19 pandemic needs to be done more carefully so that you are not exposed to the Coronavirus and the food you buy is not contaminated by this virus.
If you experience symptoms of COVID-19, especially if in the last 14 days you have had contact with someone who is positively infected by the Coronavirus or are in a COVID-19 endemic area, immediately do self-isolation and call the COVID-19 hotline.
The government enforces the rules of large-scale social restrictions, almost all activities of work, study, and worship carried out at home. This was done as an effort to suppress the spread of the Coronavirus.
However, places for selling basic needs, such as markets, supermarkets, minimarkets, and grocery stores, are still permitted to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. The community is also still allowed to go to these places to buy food supplies and daily necessities.
Even so, you need to remain vigilant and take steps to prevent COVID-19 so as not to get infected with Coronavirus when shopping.
Tips for Shopping Groceries Safely
To prevent transmission of the Coronavirus, the following are tips for grocery shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic;
1. Make sure you are healthy
Before going outside to shop for groceries, make sure you are in good health. If you suffer from symptoms of COVID-19, which are fever, cough, runny nose, or shortness of breath, it is advisable not to go outside and undergo independent isolation.
To shop for groceries or daily necessities, use the online shopping application or delivery service. As well as being practical, this method can minimize contact with many people thereby reducing your risk of contracting or transmitting the Coronavirus.
2. Avoid shopping at rush hour
Avoid shopping during peak hours to avoid crowds. That way, your risk for exposure to Coronavirus from others will also be lower.
You can shop in the morning when the supermarket has just opened or in the evening before the supermarket closes. If you shop at a traditional market, avoid shopping in the morning because it tends to be more crowded.
3. Wear a mask when leaving the house
When traveling out of the house to shop, don't forget to wear a mask. If you are healthy, wear a cloth mask. However, if you are sick and forced to leave the house, wear a surgical mask. Make sure the mask you use can cover your nose and mouth perfectly.
Avoid touching the face and the inside of the mask because it can make the mask contaminated with germs from the hands.
If you want to improve the position of the mask, wash your hands first or use a hand sanitizer, then fix the position of the mask by tightening the mask strap or fixing the mask's hook on the ear.
4. Always carry a hand sanitizer
You can use a hand sanitizer to clean the trolley handle or shopping basket that is often held by others. Choose hand sanitizers that contain alcohol at a minimum level of 60%.
5. Keep your distance from others
When leaving the house, it is important to always implement physical distancing wherever you are, including when shopping. Try to always keep a distance of at least 1 meter from other people, be it the seller, the supermarket clerk, or fellow buyers.
6. Stock of food
So you do not need to go out too often, buy enough food to be consumed for 1-2 weeks. So that you do not forget, first note what ingredients are needed and how much you want to buy.
Avoid panic buying or buying goods excessively because it can use up the stock of daily necessities in the market so that others who need it don't get it.
When choosing food, choose healthy and nutritious foods to keep your immune system strong, such as fruits and vegetables, eggs, fish, meat, beans, tofu, and tempeh. You can also buy vitamin and mineral supplements if indeed the intake of nutrients from food alone is not enough.
7. Choose a non-cash payment method (cashless)
If possible, use the non-cash or cashless method to pay for groceries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Avoid paying for groceries with cash, debit cards or credit cards because of the potential to transmit germs, including the Coronavirus.
If you are forced to use cash or cards to pay, immediately clean your hands with a hand sanitizer after receiving change or pressing the button on the EDC machine. Remember, do not touch your face with your hands that have not been washed.
Tips for cleaning freshly purchased food
Until now, there has been no evidence or research that says that the Coronavirus can be transmitted through food.
If you feel that food or food packaging that has been purchased is at risk of Coronavirus contamination, do the following tips:
Wash your hands after shopping
Wash your hands with soap and running water for 20 seconds after handling food packaging, before removing food from the packaging, before cooking, and before eating.
Clean the food that you just bought
To clean food packaging, you can use hand sanitizers, alcohol, or wet wipes with antibacterial ingredients.
Meanwhile, to clean vegetables and fruit, you can wash it with running water and special soap for food for about 20 seconds. Avoid washing food ingredients with detergent or disinfectant, because cleaning products can be dangerous if swallowed.
After that, discard the plastic bags used to carry groceries and clean the table or other place where the groceries were placed before.
Food ingredients until fully cooked
To be safer for consumption, food ingredients should be cooked first until completely cooked. Also, make sure the food is washed thoroughly before cooking.
Shopping for food during the COVID-19 pandemic needs to be done more carefully so that you are not exposed to the Coronavirus and the food you buy is not contaminated by this virus.
If you experience symptoms of COVID-19, especially if in the last 14 days you have had contact with someone who is positively infected by the Coronavirus or are in a COVID-19 endemic area, immediately do self-isolation and call the COVID-19 hotline.
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