Disease Behind Defecation hurts

Occasionally experiencing painful bowel movements is normal. However, if the pain is felt every time you defecate, it is worth watching out for. The reason is, there are some serious illnesses that can cause pain during bowel movements.

Some diseases that cause painful bowel movements can indeed be treated easily. However, you also need to be vigilant, because some other diseases are serious health problems.

Therefore, knowing the types of diseases behind painful bowel movements and their symptoms is important so that the disease can be treated immediately in the right way.
Disease Behind Defecation hurts
Cause of defecation hurts
The following are some of the diseases that can cause pain during bowel movements;

1. Constipation
Constipation or constipation is a condition when bowel movements (BAB) become less frequent than usual. This will cause the stool that is in the large intestine to become drier, harder, and accumulate to be larger making it more difficult to remove from the anus.

Constipation is usually accompanied by several symptoms, such as pain in the anus during bowel movements, feeling of incomplete after defecation, bloating, to the feeling of cramps in the abdomen or lower back.

Constipation can usually be overcome and prevented by drinking plenty of water, getting enough exercise, reducing caffeine and alcohol consumption, and increasing your intake of high-fiber foods. If constipation does not improve, your doctor may prescribe a bowel medication to treat your constipation.

2. Fissure anal
An anal fissure is a condition when there is a small tear in the skin around the anus. Generally, this condition is caused by hard and large stool due to constipation, so the skin around the anus is very stretched when defecating. Anal fissures are usually followed by itching, pain, and even bleeding around the anus.

Drinking lots of water and eating foods that contain lots of fiber will soften the stool, so that bowel movements no longer hurt. To reduce inflammation and pain around the anus, your doctor may prescribe a hydrocortisone cream or ointment.

3. Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids or commonly known as hemorrhoids is a condition when there is swelling of blood vessels in the anus or rectum. This condition generally occurs due to chronic constipation, pregnancy, and obesity.

Hemorrhoids are usually accompanied by pain, itching, or lumps around the anus. This condition can even cause bleeding during bowel movements.

Soaking hemorrhoids with warm water, consuming lots of water and intake containing lots of fiber, using pain relief creams, and compressing hemorrhoids with cold water can accelerate hemorrhoids healing.
Your doctor may also prescribe pain relievers such as naproxen and ibuprofen to reduce inflammation and reduce pain. In some cases, hemorrhoids that are classified as severe must be removed through the surgical process.
4. Inflammatory bowel disease
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a condition that includes inflammation of the digestive tract, for example, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, or irritable bowel syndrome.

Inflammation of the large intestine can cause pain during bowel movements. This condition is usually accompanied by diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, bleeding during bowel movements, weight loss for no apparent reason, and feeling of not hungry even if you have not eaten.

Eating low-fat, high-fiber foods is important for IBD sufferers. In addition, doctors may also prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, diarrhea drugs, immunosuppressants, antibiotics, pain relievers, iron supplements, and calcium supplements.

5. Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a condition that makes sufferers often defecate with soft or runny stool. Defecation when diarrhea itself actually does not cause pain. However, if it is too often, the skin around the anus can be irritated, so the bowel movements become sore.

Keeping hands and food clean can prevent diarrhea. During diarrhea, you can drink an electrolyte solution to replace lost body fluids. In addition, your doctor may also prescribe diarrhea medication and antibiotics for you.

6. Endometriosis in the large intestine
Endometriosis occurs when the tissue that forms the uterine wall grows outside where it should be. Endometriosis can occur in a woman's large intestine, causing painful bowel movements, especially during menstruation.

Apart from painful bowel movements, this condition is usually accompanied by several other symptoms, such as abdominal pain and lower back, cramps before menstruation, and pain during sex (dyspareunia).

Endometriosis can be prevented by consuming at least 2 liters of water per day, limiting caffeinated and alcoholic drinks, and exercising diligently. treatments that doctors may recommend to sufferers of this disease include painkillers, hormone therapy, or surgery.

7. Infection
Some infections can cause pain during bowel movements, including;
  • Anal abscess, which is swelling that contains pus around the anus.
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, and syphilis.
  • Fungal infections.
Using a protector every time you have sex and having an STI test regularly during your active sexual intercourse can prevent you from avoiding infections like the one above.

Consult a doctor immediately if you have the infection. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics in the form of pills or creams to overcome them.

8. Anal or rectal cancer
Anal cancer is one of the conditions that can cause painful bowel movements. In addition, anal cancer is usually accompanied by;
  • Bleeding during bowel movements.
  • Itching in the anus.
  • Diarrhea that alternates with constipation.
  • Changes in stool color or shape.
  • Unusual lumps around the anus and painful to the touch.
  • Bloated.
  • Drastic weight loss.
  • Persistent pain or cramps in the abdomen.
Treatment that may be given to patients with anal cancer includes chemotherapy, radiation treatment, or tumor removal surgery. Treatment as early as possible can help stop the growth of cancer cells and reduce the likelihood of complications.

Defecating sick can be caused by various diseases so these symptoms need to be watched out for. In general, these symptoms can be prevented and treated by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, drinking enough water around 6-8 glasses per day, eating foods rich in fiber, and actively exercising.

But if you feel persistent pain every time you defecate, especially if accompanied by fever, unusual fatigue, severe pain in the abdomen and back, lumps around the anus, and bleeding or discharge from the anus around the anus, consult your doctor immediately.

1 Response to "Disease Behind Defecation hurts"

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