Watery Itching Can Be Caused By Some Of These Diseases
Watery itchy skin is generally characterized by the appearance of blisters or lumps filled with fluid. This condition can be caused by various things, but it usually occurs when the skin becomes irritated or inflamed. In addition, watery itchy skin can also be caused by infections or certain diseases.
When the outer layer of the skin is injured or damaged, the body will form lumps or blisters that contain clear fluid. This happens as a process of healing skin tissue naturally while providing protection to the underlying skin tissue. This condition often causes the skin to feel itchy and runny.
Diseases That Cause Watery Itching
The appearance of watery itching complaints on the skin can be caused by various things, including irritation, allergies, and infections of the skin.
Sometimes, watery itching or the appearance of blisters on the skin can also be caused by burns, for example, due to scalding water or hot oil. Besides causing watery itching complaints, usually, burns can also cause pain.
In addition, there are several types of diseases that can cause itchy and runny skin, including:
1. Irritant contact dermatitis
Irritant contact dermatitis is the most common type of contact dermatitis. This condition occurs when the skin is exposed to toxic substances or irritating chemicals, such as bleach, detergents, kerosene, or soap. Irritant contact dermatitis can also cause watery itching if the skin is too often wet or exposed to water.
2. Allergic contact dermatitis
Allergic contact dermatitis occurs when the skin experiences an allergic reaction after exposure to allergens (allergens), such as certain foods or drinks and medicines, chemicals in cosmetics and skincare products, or the use of rubber gloves.
Not only that, but watery itching due to allergic contact dermatitis can also be triggered by allergic reactions due to the use of jewelry made of nickel or gold and poisonous plants.
3. Eczema
Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a condition that can also make the skin become reddish and itchy. Eczema is common in children, but can also occur in adults.
Eczema sometimes also causes the skin of the fingers to feel itchy and runny. This condition is also called pompholyx.
4. Bacterial infection
Symptoms of a bacterial infection of the skin are generally small reddish bumps. The lump is sometimes accompanied by fluid or pus and often feels itchy. One type of bacterial infection that causes watery itchy skin is impetigo.
Some bacterial infections of the skin are mild and can be treated with antibiotic ointments applied to the skin. However, if it is severe or spread, bacterial infections of the skin usually need to be treated with antibiotics as prescribed by a doctor.
5. Fungal infections
Fungal infections of the skin often occur in areas of skin that are moist and sweaty, such as legs, groin, and armpits. Most fungal infections are non-infectious and harmless. However, a yeast infection can make the skin feel itchy and appear a rash accompanied by blisters filled with fluid.
Fungal infections of the skin can be treated with the use of over-the-counter fungal medications or as prescribed by your doctor.
6. Insect bites
Not only infections or certain diseases, but watery itchy skin can also appear when the skin is bitten by insects, such as bees, bed bugs, mosquitoes, and mites. In addition, exposed to hairs from caterpillars can also trigger itchy and runny skin.
7. Herpes simplex
Herpes simplex is a contagious infection of the mouth, lips, or genitals caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). This infection can cause blisters accompanied by watery itching in the mouth or genitals, pain when urinating, headaches, and fever.
Herpes simplex cannot be cured, but this disease can be treated with antivirals, such as acyclovir, to prevent transmission to others and relieve the symptoms of herpes.
8. Bullous epidermolysis
Bullous epidermolysis is a disorder of the skin due to genetic or hereditary factors that cause the skin to become brittle, blister, and itch. In patients with bullous epidermolysis, the appearance of blisters and watery itching on the skin can occur due to minor injuries, heat, or scratches on the skin.
9. Bullous pemphigoid
Bullous pemphigoid is a rare skin disease that causes runny itching in the lower abdomen, upper thighs, or underarms. Diseases caused by immune system disorders are most common in the elderly.
Skin that has lumps or blisters and is accompanied by watery itching should not be allowed to drag on, especially if the itching is felt more severe and blisters that appear more widespread.
If you experience complaints of severely itchy and difficult to heal, you should immediately consult a dermatologist so the doctor can determine the cause of the complaint and treat it appropriately.
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