Angiosperms - Definition, Characteristics, Classification and Examples

This time we will discuss the definition of angiosperms, characteristics of angiosperms, and examples of angiosperms. The following is the explanation.

Definition of Angiosperms
Understanding angiosperms are plants that have closed seeds. Angiosperms are one of the seed plants (Spermatophyta) in addition to open seed plants (gymnosperms).
Angiosperms can be distinguished into two namely dicot and monocotyl. Dicots are plants that have split seeds while monocots are plants that have single seeds.

Angiosperms cover all plants that have flowers and produce closed seeds in a carpel. Carpels are leaves that are modified to wrap seeds and then develop into a fruit.
Characteristics of Angiosperms
The following are the characteristics of angiosperms among others;
  • Leaves are generally wide, single or compound
  • Habitat in the form of trees, herbs, shrubs, or shrubs
  • Consists of stems, flowers, leaves, and roots
  • Xylem consists of tracheids and tracheas
  • Rooted fibers and riding
  • The seeds will be deposited with fruit leaves
  • The shape of the leaves are flat with various kinds of leaf bones
  • Pistil with ovule in it is not visible
  • Floem with accompaniment cells
  • Thick fleshy fruit leaves
  • Double fertilization occurred
  • Reproductive organs are called flowers
  • The shape of the leaf bone varies, can be straight, fingered, or pinnate
  • Seeds are protected by ovaries
  • Various body shapes and sizes
  • Generative and vegetative reproduction
  • Flowers have petals, crowns, stamens, and pistils
  • There are trunks that have cambium and some are not cambium
  • Fertilization in a short time
  • Branched stems also do not branch
  • Having xylem vessels
  • Flowers are composed of sporophylls and their parts
Classification of Closed Seed Plants (Angiosperms)
The following are the classification of closed seed plants, among others:
  • Amborella is a small bush that only exists in New Caledonia.
  • Austrobaileyales namely star anise plants.
  • Eudicots are plants that have two true cotyledons such as peas, roses, sunflowers, apples, beans.
  • Chloranthales are some aromatic plants that have jagged leaves.
  • Nymphaeales, namely lotus (living in water).
  • Magnoliids are magnolia flowers and black pepper.
  • Monocots are plants that have one cotyledon such as rice, corn, coconut, orchids.
  • Ceratophyllum are some aquatic plants that are often used to decorate aquariums.
Example of Angiosperms
The following is an example of Angiosperms and the explanation is complete;

Durian (Durio ziberthinus Murr.)

Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Spermatophyta

Subdivisions: Angiosperms

Class: Dicotyledonae

Order: Bombacales

Family: Bombaceae

Genus: Durio

Species: Drio ziberthinus Murr.


Southeast Asia for example, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines

Plant Morphology:

Durian trees can reach 50 cm in height with triangular themed trees with dark, coarse and sometimes chipped red trunks. Durian fruit has male and female genitals in 1 flower called double androgynous flowers so that it can be called the characteristics of perfect flowers. The morphology of durian plants has a fruit length reaching 30-45 cm with a weight of 1.5-2.5 kg. Each fruit contains 5 grits in which are located 1-5 seeds covered with fruit flesh.


Where to grow durian can be in the elevation of the lowlands to an elevation of 800 meters below ground level, humidity 50-80% and the intensity of sunlight 40-50%.

The usefulness of Plants;

The fruit can be used as a local fruit that is very popular by the people.

The stems can be used as planks or made of wood.

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