March 5

A number of events have occurred and become historical records on March 5. Like the dissolution of the DPR by Sukarno until the birth of a national hero from Padang, West Sumatra, Sutan Syahrir.

Let's look back on the events that took place on March 5, quoted from Wikipedia sources. Here are the reviews:

1824 - British and Burmese wars
The Anglo-Burmese war lasted from 1823 to 1826. In Great Britain, this war was called the First Burma War. This war is the first of three wars that took place between Burma and the British Empire during the 19th century.

1909 - The birth of Sutan Syahrir
Sutan Syahrir, born in Padang Panjang, West Sumatra, March 5, 1909. He was an intellectual, pioneer, and revolutionary of Indonesian independence. After Indonesia's independence, he became Indonesia's first politician and prime minister. He served as Prime Minister of Indonesia from 14 November 1945 to 20 June 1947.

Syahrir founded the Indonesian Socialist Party in 1948. He died in exile as a political prisoner and was buried in TMP Kalibata, Jakarta. Sutan Syahrir was designated as one of Indonesia's National Heroes on April 9, 1966, through Presidential Decree Number 76 of 1966.

1933 - Nazi Party
Adolf Hitler's Nazi party won 43.9% of the vote in the German parliamentary elections (Reichstag), which further enabled the Nazis to endorse the Ermächtigungsgesetz and form a dictatorship.

1942 - World War II
The capital of the Dutch East Indies, Batavia, was captured by the 16th army of the Japanese Empire, after being left defenseless by KNIL garrisons and Australian Blackforce battalions who retreated to Buitenzorg and Bandung.

1960 - Ir. Soekarno Dismissed the DPR

Soekarno dissolved the DPR which was the result of the 1955 Election, then was replaced by the DPR-GR.

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