Habits Sundanese

Ethnic differences in Indonesia are assets and assets that are invaluable with money. Because there are various kinds of tribes, they can distinguish between one tribe with another, but still united.
One of the tribes in Indonesia is the Sundanese who are owned by most of the people of West Java. In every tribe in Indonesia, of course, it has customs and habits that have existed since birth.

Likewise, with the Sundanese, they also have habits and customs that are a reference to their behavior and attitudes. The following are the habits and customs of the Sundanese people.

Here Is The Sundanese With Nature And Habits
Although the following things do not fully describe the nature, character, and also the habits of the Sundanese. But yes, this is the reality, most Sundanese has some 50% of the facts we provide below.

1. Polite, Friendly and Cheap Smile
Every Sundanese people must have friendly, polite and also smiling with anyone, even with people who are still unknown.

In the Sundanese there is a philosophy that reads "Soméah Hade ka Sémah" which means that it is friendly, caring, behaving well, entertaining and respecting any guest.

In Sundanese culture, the value of solidarity and politeness is highly valued. This is why Sundanese people are known to be very generous and also good to others, especially with those who are older or unknown.

2. Funny and Ridiculing
The sense of humor of the Sundanese is very high, sometimes they can make everyone around him laugh, even in situations of tension.

As we see the governor of West Java, or Ridwan Kamil, whose social status alone can make us laugh.

Not only that, but they're also are a lot of jokes on Sundanese. For example, such as Bodoran, Cangehgar puppet theater, Kang Ibing jokes and many more.

3. Creative is the Sundanese Lifestyle
What is the proof that Sundanese people have high creativity? Basically, it is not difficult to prove that Sundanese people are creative. Why so? Yes, because now we already know that Bandung is a city that is growing in fashion.

Some people even claim that the capital of West Java is the Paris of Indonesia. The Sundanese have the ability to turn things into something that is interesting and can have high economic value.

When you visit Bandung, you will find many unique bags and clothing models and high-value innovations.

4. Cannot Distinguish Between the Letters F and P
Sundanese people are very difficult to distinguish or pronounce the letter F with P (yes, although not all). When they say the word Slander, they will call it Pitnah.

In fact, there is a scientific explanation of why Sundanese people cannot distinguish between the letter F with the letter P. One of them is that these letters were not well-known in the Sundanese script (Kaganga) in the past. Then passed down from generation to generation and become a habit.

5. Has a Distinctive Character When Speaking
Only with his accent, if the Sundanese are talking, then it can be immediately recognized by others. Even though they speak Indonesian, sometimes they still use the original dialect which is distinctive and "irregular".

In Sundanese, the accent or tone of voice is sometimes different from one region to another. Every note seems fun and funny to some people.

6. Tingkeban For 7 Month Pregnant Women
Tingkeban is a term derived from the word Tingkeb which means "closed", meaning that a pregnant woman who has entered 7 months of pregnancy is not allowed to get along with her husband for forty days after giving birth.

Not only that, but this is also a sign that the mother does not do heavy work because the baby in the womb is already large. The reason is to avoid all the unwanted bad things during pregnancy.

Frequently asked the question;
The Sundanese are?
The Sundanese are a group of people from the western part of the island of Java in Indonesia. This Sundanese person is better known as the Tundar Pasundan which covers the regions of West Java, Banten, Jakarta and the western part of Central Java.

What is the typical Sundanese food?
1. Timbel Rice
2. Liwet Rice
3. Karedok
4. Lotek
5. Vegetable tamarind
6. Sauté Genjer Oncom and many more.

What are Sundanese traditional clothes?
Clothing pangssi with Sundanese kebaya and kebat fabric is clothing that is generally worn by ordinary people.
Bedclothes and also kebaya are clothes that are generally used by middle-class people.
The velvet suit, which was embroidered with gold thread embroidery, was a garment commonly worn by nobles.
Beskap is clothing that is generally worn on formal occasions and weddings.

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