Get to Know The Type of Eye Disease in Infants

Eye pain in babies is a condition that should not be overlooked, because not only makes babies uncomfortable and fussy, eye pain also risks disturbing their eyesight. Recognize what types of eye pain that can afflict the baby, along with the signs and how to handle it.

There are various eye diseases that can be experienced by babies. Some can heal on their own, some require treatment or care from a doctor.

Types of Common Baby Eye Pain
Here are 3 types of eye diseases that can be experienced by babies and their treatment options:

1. Squint (strabismus)
Cross-eyed is a condition when the position of the two eyes is not parallel. This is caused by a disruption in the muscles of the eyeball. In some babies, crossed eyes can usually return to normal with age.

However, if the age of more than 4 months the eye position still looks uneven, this condition needs to get an examination and treatment from a doctor. Treatment for squinting eyes in infants and children can be in the form of eye patches, special glasses, or surgery.

2. Blocked Tear Ducts
Tear gland obstruction is an eye disease that is quite often experienced by infants. This condition occurs because the baby's tear ducts have not developed fully. Some complaints and symptoms that can appear are red eyes, swelling, and thick discharge from the corner of the eye.

This condition can generally improve with the development of the baby's tear ducts. One treatment that can be done is by doing gentle massage on both sides of the baby's nose trunk down toward the nose. This massage can be done 5-10 times a day.

However, if this condition continues to occur, the baby's eyes look red, and the baby looks difficult to open his eyes, immediately take him to the doctor to get treatment.

3. Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva or membrane lining the surface of the eyeball and inner eyelid. The condition is quite often experienced by babies. The causes are quite diverse, ranging from eye irritation, allergies, to infections.

Symptoms that can occur when a baby experiences this condition are the appearance of red, swollen, runny, and chubby eyes. Babies will also usually rub their eyes more often because they feel uncomfortable.

Management of conjunctivitis will be adjusted according to the cause. However, to reduce discomfort, you can compress the baby's eyes with a warm compress and clean the chin around her eyes with gauze or clean cloth. Don't forget, always wash your hands before and after touching the baby's eyes.

In addition, there are several eye diseases in babies that are congenital or congenital. For example congenital glaucoma and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

Danger Signs of a Baby's Eye Disease
The following are the signs that you need to be aware of and consult a doctor immediately:
  • Eye position is not aligned or the baby's eyes do not move normally until the age of 4 months. For example, one eyeball moves while the other does not, or one eyeball looks in a different direction when the other one is moving.
  • Visible white dots in the eyes of babies, especially when photographed using a camera with flash.
  • Baby's eyes look cloudy, white, gray, or yellow.
  • One of the baby's eyeballs looks bigger or protruding.
  • The baby's eyelids cannot lift and look limp.
If the baby experiences complaints and symptoms as described above, immediately consult a doctor, so that the eye disease experienced by the baby can be treated immediately before causing complications.

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