Health Benefits of Garlic

The benefits of garlic are not only famous for adding flavor to the cuisine but are also believed to be beneficial for health. The benefits of garlic itself have long been used since the days of ancient Egypt, India and even China. Plants of the Allium or onion family are widely used for various medical purposes.

Numerous studies link the consumption of large amounts of garlic with a decrease in blood pressure, cholesterol levels, strengthen the immune system, and improve blood circulation and ward off the risk of heart disease.
Various Benefits of Garlic
The health benefits of garlic have not been proven 100 percent, so more research is needed. However, several studies have found possible benefits such as the following.

1. Benefits of garlic for the heart
One of the benefits of garlic mentioned is good for heart health. From one study, it was found that supplementation containing garlic extract has the potential to have a protective effect on heart health. This effect is seen from the ability of garlic to reduce cholesterol and the effect of blood thinners which can help improve blood circulation.

2. Benefits of garlic for digestive health
Not only good for the heart, but other benefits of garlic is also for digestive health. Garlic contains allicin which functions as an antibiotic as well as antifungal. Research shows that the benefits of garlic can also be used to fight H. pylori bacterial infections in the stomach.

3. Benefits of garlic in preventing cancer
One of the benefits of garlic which is being widely studied is its effect on fighting cancer. There are studies that show that garlic can suppress the activity of cancer cells. Based on these findings, garlic has potential as an anticancer source. Other studies also show that those who are accustomed to consuming garlic have a lower risk of developing colon cancer. However, research is still needed on a larger scale to apply it as a medical treatment.

4. Benefits of garlic in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol
Garlic extract is thought to reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension. Some research findings reveal that garlic can dilate blood vessels and relax smooth muscles.

Garlic is also thought to be able to slightly reduce cholesterol in the body, but that does not mean garlic can be effective hypertension or cholesterol drug because it still requires extensive research.

5. Benefits of garlic in preventing colds
Garlic is believed to prevent colds because it is thought to be able to strengthen the immune system against viruses. Research shows that those who are used to taking colds are less likely to have colds and colds and will recover faster when they catch a cold than those who don't. However, how to work and use the benefits of garlic as a prevention and treatment for colds and colds still needs to be investigated.

Efficacy and benefits of garlic can be maximized if consumed raw because cooking is too ripe can destroy the essential ingredients. If you intend to use garlic supplements for health purposes, it's a good idea to ask your doctor first, especially if you have certain medical conditions or are using blood-thinning medications.

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