How to get rid of pimples and scars

Acne can interfere with appearance, especially if it causes scars. However, this actually can be overcome. There are several ways to get rid of pimples and scars that you can do yourself at home, there are also things that need to be done by a doctor.

Acne often appears on parts of the body that tend to be oily and sweat a lot, such as the face, chest, shoulders, and back. The appearance of acne can be experienced by anyone, especially teenagers.

Acne can appear when the follicles or where hair growth on the skin is blocked by oil (sebum) and dead skin cells.

Based on the severity, there are pimples that are mild, moderate, to severe.

Mild pimples are generally in the form of spots or blackheads, while moderate zits are marked by small, red bumps and feel soft, which are sometimes accompanied by pus. This condition is also called papular acne and pustules.

Meanwhile, the types of acne that are classified as severe acne include rock pimples, cystic acne, and acne fulminans.

Types of acne that can be treated at home are mild and moderate acne, whereas severe acne should be treated by a dermatologist because of the risk of causing large acne scars.

Some Ways to Get Rid of Acne
To get rid of mild acne, you can do the following ways:
  • Avoid washing facial acne with more than 2 times a day because it can cause irritation to the skin and make acne worse.
  • Wash and clean the acne-prone skin area using a special facial cleanser for acne and warm water.
  • Avoid squeezing pimples because they can cause permanent acne scars.
  • Clean the face or body with zits every time you sweat a lot, for example after exercising or sunbathing.
  • Avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen when outdoors.
Also, avoid using make-up while still having pimples because make-up can clog pores in the skin and make pimples reappear or get worse. If you want to use makeup, choose products that do not contain oil, or are labeled noncomedogenic.

To overcome moderate acne, you can use over-the-counter acne medications, such as ointments or creams containing benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, or salicylic acid.

If you suffer from severe acne, this condition needs to be treated by a dermatologist. To treat acne, your doctor may give corticosteroid injections and antibiotic ointments to relieve inflammation and treat infections in acne.

To deal with severe or recurring acne, your doctor may also prescribe an acne drug in the form of tretinoin.

Some Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scars
After the acne disappears, sometimes acne scars will appear in the form of scar tissue, reddish spots, or even keloids. Usually, the acne scars will appear if the pimples are solved or squeezed in an inappropriate way.

To overcome the small acne scars that are not too severe, you can do your own treatment at home by applying natural ingredients, such as honey, aloe vera or aloe vera, and lemon, on the acne scars.

If these natural ingredients are not effective for removing acne scars that appear, you can consult a dermatologist. You may be given a zit remover ointment first. However, if this has not been effective in removing acne scars, your doctor may suggest more sophisticated treatments.

Here are the treatment steps that your doctor may recommend:

1. Dermabrasion
Dermabrasion is one of the most effective skin treatments for dealing with facial scars. When you undergo dermabrasion, the doctor will give a local anesthetic to your face, then the doctor will use a special tool to stimulate the formation of new skin tissue on your face.

2. Chemical peeling
Chemical peels have almost the same effect as dermabrasion, which is to exfoliate old skin tissue and form a new layer of skin. In the chemical peeling method, the doctor will apply acid to your skin to stimulate the formation of new skin tissue.

This method is usually used when acne causes deep scars on your skin.

3. Fillers
The doctor can give a filler injection to the acne scars so that the surface of the skin in that part looks even and smoother. The injected filler can be fat or collagen.

4. Laser therapy
Laser therapy can also function to remove the top layer of skin and stimulate the formation of new, smoother skin tissue. This treatment usually has a faster recovery time than other resurfacing treatments, such as chemical peels and dermabrasion.

5. Microneedling
This technique for removing acne scars is similar to dermabrasion. The micro-needling method is performed by the doctor by creating small wounds using a special tool consisting of fine needles.

However, before this method is performed, the doctor will first give a local anesthetic to your face, so you do not feel pain. The micro-needling method can stimulate the production of collagen and new layers of skin so that acne scars appear vaguer.

Some methods to get rid of acne scars may need to be done several times and can not provide instant results. People who have certain skin problems, such as sensitive skin, may also not be able to undergo the steps above.

Therefore, you need to consult a dermatologist so your doctor can determine how to get rid of your zits and acne scars properly.

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