Caring for Baby's Skin

Baby's skin that is soft and sensitive requires different treatment from adult skincare. The key to a baby's skincare is to avoid using too many products with content that is too heavy.

After Little was born, Mother received various gifts, including various baby skincare products. Starting from soap, lotion, powder, oil, to cream. Should everything be used to maintain the health of the baby's skin?

The simpler the better
Actually caring for a baby's skin does not need to eat as much time, energy, let alone money, as expected. Instead, the baby's skin will be more awake with more simple care. Come, see the following baby skincare tips:

No need to take a shower every day
Contrary to the bathing habits that we generally know, bathing babies actually don't need to be done every day, Mom. Especially newborns, only need to shower at least three times a week. If you bathe too often, the baby's skin can become dry quickly. Every day, just clean the parts that are necessary, such as the face, neck, and diaper area. Babies will need to bathe more often after they can crawl and walk.

Use baby lotion occasionally
Generally, newborn skin does not need to be smeared with lotion after bathing. If the skin is dry, you are likely to bathe it too often. If needed, Mother can apply a little moisturizer to the baby's skin dry area only.

Choose the product that contains the least amount
Choose products specifically for babies, especially those without fragrance, and are not painful in the eyes. Generally, these baby products do not contain alcohol, deodorants, and other ingredients that can harm the baby's skin. Choose soap without foam, wet wipes without alcohol, and avoid using hand sanitizers. If in doubt, Mother can read the product content on the packaging label. In addition, keep in mind whether the baby is allergic to one product.

Be careful using baby powder
Although often included in other baby product packages, but actually baby powder is not needed you know, Mom. The powder has a risk of inhalation of the baby and causes irritation to the lungs. If you want to use powder on the baby, try pouring powder into the palm of your hand to taste. Pat until excess powder is wasted, then just use the powder on the baby's body.

Use diapers properly
The use of baby diapers that cover the buttocks often causes skin irritation or diaper rash. The solution, after cleaning, the baby's buttocks need to be left to dry completely before the baby returns to wearing diapers. You can also use a cream containing zinc oxide which prevents the baby's skin from getting too moist. In addition, at certain times, Mother can let Little free from diapers. Oh yes, it is better to choose diapers that are not fragrant and not too small so that the baby's skin does not blister, Mom.

Well, it's not difficult to look after your little one's skin health, right? Other products containing fragrances or heavier ingredients may be stored for later use. Without using products that increase the risk of irritation, your skin will be healthier and safer. 

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