This is an Effective Way to Overcome Dandruff in Children
Although not a serious medical problem, arrogance can make children insecure and even hinder their activities. Well, no need to worry, Bun. There are several ways that can be applied to overcome this complaint. Dandruff is a natural thing to happen, especially when children begin to reach puberty. Dandruff in children can cause itching that makes him want to continue to scratch his head. This can make his scalp turn red and painful. If not treated, dandruff can even cause hair loss.
The Right Steps to Overcome Dandruff in Children
There are several factors that can cause dandruff in children. Dandruff usually appears when a child;
1. Wash the child's hair regularly
If it is classified as mild, dandruff problems in children can usually be improved by washing hair once every 2 days. The goal is to reduce oil on the scalp and clean up dandruff so it does not accumulate. Use a mild formulation shampoo, yes, Bun.
While washing her hair, teach Little One how to gently massage her own head when shampooing. That way, Little can get used to cleaning her hair independently. Also, teach him how to rinse his hair completely clean.
2. Use dandruff medication
If the shampoo alone is not enough to overcome the Little Dandruff, Mother can use shampoo containing anti-dandruff drugs, such as selenium sulfide, zinc, or ketoconazole. This shampoo can usually be bought at a pharmacy.
When washing children's hair with this shampoo, leave the shampoo foam on the scalp for 5 minutes before rinsing. Generally, dandruff drugs in children can be used every day. If dandruff has improved, reduce the use to 2 times a week or use alternating with regular shampoo.
For best results, first read the instructions for using the anti-dandruff shampoo carefully, yes, Bun. Each shampoo usually has different usage rules, depending on the active ingredients it contains.
3. Apply tea tree oil
Tea tree oil or tea tree oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Shampoo that contains this oil is proven to alleviate the problem of dandruff in children. However, its safety in children under 14 years is not yet certain.
If you want to use tea tree oil to treat your little dandruff, mix this oil with water and apply it to her scalp several times a week. However, you should consult with your doctor before applying this oil to the Little One.
4. Increase the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids
Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids not only can support the development of the brain and eyes of children but also can maintain healthy skin, including the scalp.
Omega-3 fatty acids can control oil production and regulate scalp moisture. In addition, these fatty acids can also reduce inflammation and irritation, so that it can relieve itching due to dandruff.
Omega-3 fatty acids can be obtained from seafood, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, or sardines, as well as nuts and seeds, such as walnuts or chia seeds.
Dandruff in children is a skin problem that is actually mild but can be very annoying. Fortunately, this problem can usually be overcome by self-care at home. Mother can try a number of ways above so that dandruff on the little head disappears and does not reappear.
If dandruff does not improve after 2-3 weeks of treatment at home or your child still scratches his head often, you should check your child to the doctor for further treatment.
The Right Steps to Overcome Dandruff in Children
There are several factors that can cause dandruff in children. Dandruff usually appears when a child;
- Poorly maintained hair health
- Have a scalp that tends to dry
- Use hair care products that do not match the scalp
- Have certain skin diseases, such as eczema, psoriasis, and fungal infections
1. Wash the child's hair regularly
If it is classified as mild, dandruff problems in children can usually be improved by washing hair once every 2 days. The goal is to reduce oil on the scalp and clean up dandruff so it does not accumulate. Use a mild formulation shampoo, yes, Bun.
While washing her hair, teach Little One how to gently massage her own head when shampooing. That way, Little can get used to cleaning her hair independently. Also, teach him how to rinse his hair completely clean.
2. Use dandruff medication
If the shampoo alone is not enough to overcome the Little Dandruff, Mother can use shampoo containing anti-dandruff drugs, such as selenium sulfide, zinc, or ketoconazole. This shampoo can usually be bought at a pharmacy.
When washing children's hair with this shampoo, leave the shampoo foam on the scalp for 5 minutes before rinsing. Generally, dandruff drugs in children can be used every day. If dandruff has improved, reduce the use to 2 times a week or use alternating with regular shampoo.
For best results, first read the instructions for using the anti-dandruff shampoo carefully, yes, Bun. Each shampoo usually has different usage rules, depending on the active ingredients it contains.
3. Apply tea tree oil
Tea tree oil or tea tree oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Shampoo that contains this oil is proven to alleviate the problem of dandruff in children. However, its safety in children under 14 years is not yet certain.
If you want to use tea tree oil to treat your little dandruff, mix this oil with water and apply it to her scalp several times a week. However, you should consult with your doctor before applying this oil to the Little One.
4. Increase the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids can control oil production and regulate scalp moisture. In addition, these fatty acids can also reduce inflammation and irritation, so that it can relieve itching due to dandruff.
Omega-3 fatty acids can be obtained from seafood, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, or sardines, as well as nuts and seeds, such as walnuts or chia seeds.
Dandruff in children is a skin problem that is actually mild but can be very annoying. Fortunately, this problem can usually be overcome by self-care at home. Mother can try a number of ways above so that dandruff on the little head disappears and does not reappear.
If dandruff does not improve after 2-3 weeks of treatment at home or your child still scratches his head often, you should check your child to the doctor for further treatment.
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