Dangers Behind Cavities in Children

Cavities in children should not be underestimated, ok, Mom. The reason is not only can cause pain or tooth dislodged, but also other more serious dangers. Come on, know what are the dangers that can lurk due to cavities.
Sweet foods and drinks often cannot be separated from children. If the consumption of these foods and drinks is not accompanied by maintaining good oral hygiene, children are more at risk of having various dental problems. One of them is cavities.

Food scraps attached to the teeth can be a food source for bacteria. Therefore, bacteria gather there, form plaques, then eat food scraps and convert it to acid. Gradually, the acid produced by these bacteria will erode the outer layer of the tooth (enamel) and form a whole.

Dangers that can be experienced by children due to cavities
Cavities are often regarded as common in children. However, this condition can adversely affect their health, you know, Bun. The following are the dangers of cavities in children whose mother must be known:

1. Toothache
Usually, a toothache is not felt when a hole in a new tooth is formed. Severe pain in the teeth generally appears when the hole gets bigger and has affected the nerve. Pain that appears usually throbs and gets worse when eating, especially when eating hot or cold food.

Toothache due to cavities can make it difficult for children to chew and eventually won't eat until they lose weight. In addition, pain due to cavities can also interfere with the comfort of a child when resting or concentration while studying.

2. Broken or dislodged teeth
Dental cavities that are left untreated run the risk of making teeth broken, porous, even dislodged entirely. Broken or dislodged teeth can make it difficult for children to chew food.

In addition, the shape of the teeth looks irregular and blackish. Dislodged teeth can also make the position of other teeth to shift and fall apart. This can make him become insecure when talking or smiling so that it is not impossible to impede his achievement.

3. Tooth abscess
Although rare in children, dental abscesses can form on cavities that are left alone. Dental abscesses are pus-filled bumps on tooth roots caused by bacterial infections. Swelling due to this condition can be very painful.

Not only that, but bacteria in perforated teeth can also spread to the walls of the sinus cavity and cause sinusitis. In more severe conditions, bacteria from the teeth can also enter through the bloodstream and cause infection in the heart, bones, or even cause blockages in the blood vessels of the brain.

4. Damage to prospective permanent teeth
Fixed teeth usually only begin to grow when a child is 6 years old. If cavities occur in milk teeth, the seeds of the permanent teeth underneath can become more fragile.

As a result, teeth that will continue to be owned by children until adulthood will be more sensitive to food, more susceptible to bad bacteria, also more susceptible to dental caries and cavities. Not only that, but permanent teeth can also have a brownish yellow color that looks unhealthy.

Cavities can have a negative impact on a child's general health, as well as disturbing his comfort, concentration, and appearance. Therefore, it is important for Mother to familiarize Little Children routinely brush their teeth twice a day. For children under 6 years old, use low fluoride children's toothpaste, Ok, Mom.

In addition, limit the consumption of sweet foods and drinks to your child. Better to give him healthy food that can support the formation of teeth for the better, for example, vegetables, fruits, and milk and processed products.

Do your baby's first dental examination before he is 1 year old and routinely after he is two years old, so that dental problems can be discovered and resolved early on. However, if Mother is aware of the first discoloration of teeth or maybe holes and teeth are porous in your child, immediately take him to the dentist.

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