Can COVID-19 sufferers fasting?

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is an obligation for all Muslims. However, what about people who are currently being treated or under surveillance regarding COVID-19? Can they fast?

People who are sick, pregnant, or breastfeeding are given relief for not fasting during Ramadan if they are unable to live it, or if fasting is considered to worsen the condition of the disease and reduce the effectiveness of treatment.
Even so, there are several disease conditions that are still considered safe for fasting as long as the sufferer follows the doctor's recommendations, especially in terms of nutrition and fluid intake, as well as medication consumption schedules.

The same thing applies to Coronavirus infections. Whether or not it is safe for people with COVID-19 to fast depends on their physical condition and the medication they are undergoing.

Patients with COVID-19 who cannot fast
Although Muslims are currently fasting, positive patients affected by COVID-19 or patients under surveillance (PDP) with severe symptoms, such as fever above 38 degrees Celsius and shortness of breath, are not recommended for fasting.

When fasting, the body does not get food and drink from sunrise until the coming evening call to prayer. Fever patients are prone to dehydration. If the patient also fasts, he will be even more at risk for severe dehydration. This can certainly worsen his condition.

Patients positive for COVID-19 or PDP with severe symptoms must also receive intensive care at the hospital and need to be given intravenous fluids throughout the day. According to some scholars, this can cancel the fast.

In addition, another reason why a Coronavirus infection patient is not allowed to fast is that he must take medication and eat nutritious food to increase his endurance.

Fasting COVID-19 sufferers
In contrast to PDP, people in monitoring (ODP) with mild symptoms, such as coughs and colds without fever, are still allowed to fast, really. The reason, ODP with mild symptoms tends to have stronger endurance. So, fasting for ODP is still relatively safe.

People without symptoms (OTG) are still allowed to fast. People who belong to this group generally have a strong immune system because it is able to fight the virus in the body, so the infection does not cause symptoms. So they are also safe for fasting.

In addition, Ramadan fasting is proven to have benefits in increasing body immunity and fighting inflammation, you know. Plus, during fasting, there is also a ban on smoking. This is good for lung health and can reduce the risk of being infected with the Coronavirus and the severity of the infection.

So, even though it's time to break the fast, everyone is strongly advised not to smoke, let alone ODP and OTG.

Things You Need To Look For COVID-19 Patients When Fasting
Although classified as safe, ODP with mild symptoms or OTG should consult with a doctor before deciding to fast, especially if you have certain diseases that can aggravate COVID-19. If you feel unwell or have severe symptoms when fasting, ODP, or OTG is recommended to cancel the fast.

In addition, ODP and OTG are recommended to adopt a healthy fasting method in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic, namely by adequate intake of nutrients and fluids, staying active, or exercising lightly even if only for 15 minutes, resting sufficiently, and worshiping at home and doing isolation independent.

If during fasting symptoms arise Coronavirus infection or symptoms worsen, immediately contact the COVID-19 hotline.

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