The Role of Parents in Preventing Disease in Children

As parents, Mother and Father have a very big role in protecting Little One to avoid illness. One way to prevent disease in children is to apply and exemplify a healthy lifestyle.
The immune system of children who are not perfect makes it more vulnerable to illness. Therefore, Mother and Father must always give the Little "ammo" right so that the immune system can develop properly and be strong against disease. Not only that, Mother and Father also need to create a healthy environment for him.

Tips for Preventing Disease in Children
Preventing illness in your child should be done from within and outside, namely by ensuring the immune system is strong and prevent it from sources of disease that may exist in the surrounding environment. The following are some healthy lifestyles that Mother and Father can apply to Little One:

1. Inadequate nutritional needs of children
To form a good immune system, Little One needs energy and good nutrition too. The nutritional content of food, such as protein, vitamins, and minerals, is needed to build components of a good immune system.

These nutrients can be obtained by your child from a variety of healthy and balanced nutritious food menus that Mother and Father gave to her. Make sure your child gets food sources of protein, such as fish and eggs, every day. Also make sure he consumes vegetables, fruit, and milk.

If necessary, you can give your baby milk with prebiotic content, such as fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and galactooligosaccharides (GOS), as well as omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and omega-6.

The content of this milk formula plays a role in the formation of immune cells and is proven to reduce the risk of children affected by infections, especially infections of the respiratory tract and digestive tract.

In addition, don't forget to limit foods that are high in sugar and saturated fat, or fast food. Foods like this can increase inflammation and decrease endurance.

2. Teach a clean lifestyle to children
A clean body can prevent children from disease. However, teaching a clean lifestyle to children requires time and patience. Mother and Father can start with simple things, like teaching and getting used to washing their hands properly before and after eating.

Also, teach how to brush teeth and take a proper bath. This can be done in a fun way, for example brushing your teeth with an interesting song guide.

3. Keep the house clean
A dirty house can be a place for viruses, bacteria, and germs to breed. So, to prevent diseases in children, home hygiene must be maintained. Clean every room to the corners regularly, especially the Little One's bedroom and the room he often uses to play.

Try to have a room in the house that has good air ventilation and get enough sun exposure. Not only that but also try to keep the house free of cigarette smoke.

4. Monitor a child's sleep time
During sleep, the body produces immune system components that are useful for fighting infections and inflammation. Therefore, children need to get enough sleep. The following are ideal sleep times for children according to their age:
  • Age 0-3 months: 14-17 hours per day
  • Ages 4–11 months: 12-15 hours per day
  • Ages 1-2 years: 11-14 hours per day
  • Age 3-5 years: 10-13 hours per day
5. Encourage children to exercise
Exercising regularly is very useful to strengthen the immune system of the Little One, so he is not easily hurt. Invite your child every Mother or father to exercise, so he can pay attention to what Mother and Father do. Slowly, encourage your child to participate in sports.

Maybe Mother and Father can start with a leisurely walk in the morning. After that, invite Little to exercise together. If necessary, register him in the sport course he is interested in.

The Importance of Improving the Children's Immune System
The immune system functions to fight germs that enter the body and prevent them from coming back. If the child's immune system is strong, he will not be susceptible to disease. Conversely, if the child's immune system is weak, he will be more easily ill and recover from illness longer.

Getting sick is clearly an unpleasant experience for children. Not only that, but children who are often sick can also experience growth and development disorders, which then makes it even easier to get sick.

Children who get sick easily will also often not go to school so that their academic achievement can be disrupted.

Parents' efforts to prevent disease in children can be started by strengthening the child's immune system and creating a healthy environment for children. Both can be achieved by adopting a healthy and clean lifestyle. In addition, Mother and Father also need to complete the Child immunization according to schedule.

Preventing illness in children also includes efforts to prevent a disease from getting worse and cause complications or other more dangerous diseases. For this reason, Mother and Father need to have their child checked by a doctor if he is sick, so that appropriate treatment can be given.

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