These Causes Frequent Bleeding Gums and Tips to Prevent it

Gum health will affect overall oral health. Bleeding gums can be a sign of gum disease, and may even indicate a more serious condition of health problems.

Gums often bleed often because of the wrong way to brush teeth or too hard. The ability of the wrong toothbrush risk causing bleeding gums and bleeding. In addition, there are several causes of bleeding gums that you also need to know.
Causes of Bleeding Gums Often
Causes of Bleeding Gums Often
Apart from the wrong way to brush teeth, gums often bleed can also be caused by:

1. Gum inflammation
One cause of bleeding gums is an inflammation of the gums. Gum inflammation can be triggered by sticking teeth plaque on the gums. Plaque that accumulates and hardens will form tartar and cause inflammation of the gums. If it's like this, the gums become vulnerable to bleeding.

2. Periodontitis
Untreated inflammation of the gums can increase the risk of periodontitis, namely infection, and inflammation of the gums that damage the soft tissue and bone supporting the teeth. The main symptom of periodontitis is often bleeding gums.

3. Lack of vitamins C and K
Vitamin C works to accelerate wound healing and strengthen bones. While vitamin K plays an important role in the process of blood clotting. If the body lacks vitamins C and K, bleeding will easily occur, including the gums.

4. Leukemia
Often bleeding gums can be a sign of leukemia. Leukemia is cancer that attacks white blood cells. In patients with leukemia, increased white blood cells can reduce the number of platelets. In fact, platelets are needed to stop bleeding. This condition makes leukemia sufferers prone to experience bleeding gums, nosebleeds, and other signs of bleeding.

In addition to the various causes above, hormonal changes during pregnancy, errors in installing dentures, improper flossing, bleeding disorders, thrombocytopenia, diabetes, hemophilia, and consumption of blood-thinning medications can also increase the risk of bleeding gums.

Tips to Prevent Frequent Bleeding Gums
The following are some tips that you can do to prevent frequent bleeding gums:
  • Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and gently brush your teeth. As much as possible do dental flossing twice a day to prevent plaque on the teeth.
  • Use mouthwash every day. This can help kill the bacteria that cause gum disease. Avoid using a mouthwash containing alcohol, because it can worsen complaints often bleeding gums.
  • Sufficient fluid needs by drinking water at least 8 glasses a day. This can help clean up food debris on teeth which can form plaque.
  • Limit consumption of foods and drinks that are very hot or very cold, because it can damage teeth and gums.
  • Visit your dentist at least once every 6 months to check your oral health. Properly maintained oral hygiene can reduce the risk of bleeding gums.
  • As much as possible avoid and manage stress in a positive way. Stress that is well managed will make you more able to care for oral health and can prevent increased levels of the hormone cortisol which can cause inflammation throughout your body, including gums.

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