Facts about Excessive Exercise Can Disrupt Fertility

Sports is one way that can be taken to increase fertility and increase the chances of pregnancy. However, make no mistake. If done excessively, exercise can actually interfere with fertility, you know.

There is no doubt that exercise is one of the main keys to getting a healthy body. Regular exercise can help you control your weight, keep blood sugar levels normal, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve mood, and improve sexual health.

Although it is considered good for your health, it does not mean you have to overdo it. In fact, excessive exercise can be bad for health, one of which is to reduce fertility.

Why Can Excessive Exercise Disrupt Fertility?
There is a study stating that doing heavy intensity exercise for more than 1 hour a day can inhibit ovulation, which is the process of releasing mature eggs from the ovaries to the fallopian tubes to be fertilized.

Normally, the body needs fat and energy to produce hormones that regulate the mechanism of ovulation. However, heavy and excessive exercise actually makes the body lack reserves of fat and energy, so the body is unable to produce the hormones needed for ovulation.

The inhibited ovulation process will certainly disrupt the menstrual cycle. Well, this irregular menstrual cycle is known to make the uterine wall thinner. As a result, if fertilization occurs one time, the process of attaching the embryo to the uterine wall to grow into a fetus will also be more difficult.

Not only in women but excessive exercise also affects male fertility, you know. Excessive exercise can reduce the quality of sperm, be it the number or ability of sperm to move. This will make the opportunity for sperm to fertilize the egg becomes smaller.

Sports Tips Without Fear Disrupting Fertility
After knowing the facts above, it doesn't mean that you avoid sports or don't want to exercise at all. Exercise still benefits the body and increases fertility, really, as long as it's done the right way.

If you already have the ideal body weight, it is recommended not to exercise more than 4 hours in 1 week. You can do light-intensity exercise, like yoga or walking. This sport is relatively relaxed and does not overload muscle work.

But if you have excess weight, do exercise at least 5 hours per week. You are advised to do sports with high intensity, such as aerobics, cycling, or swimming, to burn more calories.

But remember, if you have reached your ideal body weight, reduce the intensity and time of your exercise, yes. If you continue to do excessive exercise when you get the ideal body weight, this can have a negative impact on your fertility.

In addition to regular exercise, you also need to eat healthy food, get enough rest, stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, limit caffeine intake, and manage stress well to increase fertility and accelerate pregnancy opportunities.

If you are confused about what kind of exercise you are suitable to do to increase fertility, especially if you have excess weight, do not hesitate to consult with your doctor, yes.

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