Overcoming Children often Stay up Late

Not a little, you know, children who often stay up late or sleep late, even though there is no work or school work that is piling up. Does this happen to your baby? If so, let's find out the tips here to deal with children often stay up late and make it able to sleep early.

There are many things that can cause children to stay awake even though it was night time. Whatever the reason, children should not be left up late because this can have a negative impact on their growth and development.

However, Mother does not need to worry if indeed this happens to Little. Most child sleep problems can be corrected by changing habits before going to sleep slowly.

Why Can't Children Stay Up?
Children aged 1-5 years generally need 10-12 hours of night sleep and naps of 1-2 hours a day. In addition to resting the body, sleep can also maintain endurance, support the growth process, and increase children's intelligence.

When sleeping, the glands in the child's brain produce growth hormone. As the name implies, this hormone has a large role in the growth of children. Lack of sleep can disrupt the work of these hormones, thus affecting the child's growth and development process.

Not only that, but a study also showed that children who sleep above 10 at night are more at risk of developing nervous system disorders. This can have a negative effect on the development of behavior. The more nights he sleeps, the more severe the behavioral disorders that occur.

5 Tips for Children not to stay up
Until now, there are no benefits that can be derived from staying up, you know, Mom. Well, so that your little one is not difficult to sleep at night, let's, apply the 5 tips below:

1. Apply a consistent sleep schedule
Children may not understand the right sleep schedule for him. As a parent, Mother must apply consistent sleep hours to her. The goal is for your child to get used to sleeping at the same time every day. Eventually, it will automatically get sleepy at that time. This can reduce the desire to sleep late.

2. Create a comfortable sleeping atmosphere
The ideal atmosphere for a good night's sleep is dark and cool. Exposure to light during sleep can make it difficult for the brain to rest so that children can not sleep soundly. However, not a few children are afraid to sleep in the dark. Mother's baby is probably one of them.

If that's the case, no problem, Mom. Mother can still darken the Little Room lights, really, but also add an additional sleep lamp that has a dim light. Now there are also many, you know, cute shaped sleep lights that can make children feel calm and comfortable when they want to sleep.

Also, make sure your little one wears comfortable clothes and absorbs the sweat, Mom. Set the room temperature to be cool, not too hot or too cold, so he can sleep comfortably without sweating.

3. Avoid using gadgets when going to sleep
Although often considered trivial, research shows that the use of devices or gadgets, such as televisions and cellphones, when a child is going to sleep can cause it to stay awake even though his eyes are sleepy, you know. So, create a gadget-free room if you want your little one to sleep at night.

4. Prevent children from being too active at night
Too busy playing can make children too excited and not sleepy when bedtime comes. Therefore, avoid giving your child activities that make him too active, such as watching TV or playing games 30-60 minutes before his sleep schedule.

During this time, Mother can invite Little to get ready to sleep. Make good bedtime habits for her, ranging from brushing teeth, changing clothes with pajamas, and reading stories to her.

5. Avoid caffeinated foods or drinks
Caffeine does not only exist in coffee which is identical to adult drinks. Soft drinks, tea, hot chocolate, or ice cream can also contain caffeine and can keep children awake longer. So, giving food and drinks before going to bed is not good for your child.

Overcoming children who often stay up late is not difficult if Father and Mother work together to apply the tips above. However, remember also that a child staying up late can also be caused by insomnia or anxiety disorders.

Therefore, if your child is still difficult to sleep at night even though Mother has done the methods above, you should consult a doctor to get an examination and proper handling.

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