How to deal with Spondylolisthesis?
Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which the spine shifts from its normal position. If the degree is mild, spondylolisthesis usually does not cause complaints or symptoms. However, if it is severe, this condition needs to be treated immediately because it can cause paralysis.
Spondylolisthesis is most common in the lower spine, but can also occur in other parts of the spine. Mild spinal displacement generally does not cause severe complaints or disorders and can be overcome by physical exercise and regular exercise.
However, severe spondylolisthesis can often cause disturbing symptoms, such as back pain, stiff back muscles, tingling or numbness in the lower back that extends to the feet, as well as weakness or paralysis in the legs and feet.
If left untreated, severe spondylolisthesis can cause complications in the form of narrowing of the vertebra (spinal stenosis) and pinched nerves.
Recognize the Causes of Spondylolisthesis
Spondylolisthesis can be experienced by anyone, from children to the elderly. There are several things that can cause spondylolisthesis, including:
1. Degenerative diseases
Spondylolisthesis due to degenerative diseases, such as arthritis and osteoporosis, often occurs in adults and the elderly.
As we get older, the spine will become weaker and brittle. This makes the spine easily injured and shifted. Sometimes bone calcification can also cause spondylolisthesis.
2. Spinal injury
A spinal injury that causes spondylolisthesis can occur due to physical activity that is too heavy, sports, or accidents. This injury can also occur due to poor posture, such as frequent bending, or due to surgery on the spine.
3. Congenital abnormalities
Spondylolisthesis caused by birth defects or defects is called congenital spondylolisthesis. This condition occurs due to genetic disorders that cause the spine to not form normally while in the womb.
4. Certain diseases
There are several diseases that can damage the spine and cause spondylolisthesis. Some of them are spinal TB, tumors in the spine, and autoimmune diseases, such as ankylosing spondylitis.
Know Some Steps for Handling Spondylolisthesis
Because it can be caused by many things, spondylolisthesis needs to be seen by a doctor. To determine the severity and cause of spondylolisthesis, doctors can perform physical examinations and investigations, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI of the spine.
After the severity and causes of spondylolisthesis in patients are known, the doctor will provide appropriate treatment to overcome them, such as:
Physiotherapy can be done to improve the position of the spine and alleviate complaints arising from spondylolisthesis. Some examples of physiotherapy that can be done are physical exercise or stretching and the use of special corsets.
Giving medicine
The administration of drugs aims to reduce complaints arising from spondylolisthesis. The doctor can prescribe painkillers to reduce pain, as well as muscle relaxants to relax stiff muscles.
If spondylolisthesis causes nerves to become pinched and swollen resulting in symptoms of tingling or numbness, then your doctor may give corticosteroid injections to the spinal cord.
Spinal surgery is performed to return the spine to its original position. Surgery is usually performed if spondylolisthesis does not improve with other treatment methods or when the bone shift is severe enough to compress the spinal cord.
However, spine surgery also risks causing complications, such as;
Spondylolisthesis is most common in the lower spine, but can also occur in other parts of the spine. Mild spinal displacement generally does not cause severe complaints or disorders and can be overcome by physical exercise and regular exercise.
However, severe spondylolisthesis can often cause disturbing symptoms, such as back pain, stiff back muscles, tingling or numbness in the lower back that extends to the feet, as well as weakness or paralysis in the legs and feet.
If left untreated, severe spondylolisthesis can cause complications in the form of narrowing of the vertebra (spinal stenosis) and pinched nerves.
Recognize the Causes of Spondylolisthesis
Spondylolisthesis can be experienced by anyone, from children to the elderly. There are several things that can cause spondylolisthesis, including:
1. Degenerative diseases
Spondylolisthesis due to degenerative diseases, such as arthritis and osteoporosis, often occurs in adults and the elderly.
As we get older, the spine will become weaker and brittle. This makes the spine easily injured and shifted. Sometimes bone calcification can also cause spondylolisthesis.
2. Spinal injury
A spinal injury that causes spondylolisthesis can occur due to physical activity that is too heavy, sports, or accidents. This injury can also occur due to poor posture, such as frequent bending, or due to surgery on the spine.
3. Congenital abnormalities
Spondylolisthesis caused by birth defects or defects is called congenital spondylolisthesis. This condition occurs due to genetic disorders that cause the spine to not form normally while in the womb.
4. Certain diseases
There are several diseases that can damage the spine and cause spondylolisthesis. Some of them are spinal TB, tumors in the spine, and autoimmune diseases, such as ankylosing spondylitis.
Know Some Steps for Handling Spondylolisthesis
Because it can be caused by many things, spondylolisthesis needs to be seen by a doctor. To determine the severity and cause of spondylolisthesis, doctors can perform physical examinations and investigations, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI of the spine.
After the severity and causes of spondylolisthesis in patients are known, the doctor will provide appropriate treatment to overcome them, such as:
Physiotherapy can be done to improve the position of the spine and alleviate complaints arising from spondylolisthesis. Some examples of physiotherapy that can be done are physical exercise or stretching and the use of special corsets.
The administration of drugs aims to reduce complaints arising from spondylolisthesis. The doctor can prescribe painkillers to reduce pain, as well as muscle relaxants to relax stiff muscles.
If spondylolisthesis causes nerves to become pinched and swollen resulting in symptoms of tingling or numbness, then your doctor may give corticosteroid injections to the spinal cord.
Spinal surgery is performed to return the spine to its original position. Surgery is usually performed if spondylolisthesis does not improve with other treatment methods or when the bone shift is severe enough to compress the spinal cord.
However, spine surgery also risks causing complications, such as;
- Infection.
- Blood clots in the legs (deep vein thrombosis).
- Difficulty withholding urination (urinary incontinence).
- Bleeding.
- Side effects of anesthetics used during surgery, such as nausea and convulsions.
Spondylolisthesis sufferers will also generally be advised to increase rest periods, limit physical activity, not lift heavy objects, and give warm or cold compresses to the back to relieve pain.
Spondylolisthesis that is diagnosed early and treated immediately generally can recover without surgery. However, if it is severe, this condition often needs to be treated with surgery.
Therefore, consult a doctor immediately if you experience symptoms of spondylolisthesis so that this condition can be treated immediately before it gets worse and cause complications.
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