Preventing Cavities in Children

Toothache due to cavities makes children unable to do most of their activities, such as when eating, playing, talking, and learning. Therefore, it is important to prevent cavities so that the oral health of children is well preserved.

At their age, children are the age group most vulnerable to infections and tooth disorders, for example, cavities and rotten teeth. This can be caused by their penchant for eating foods and drinks high in sugar. If combined with patterns of maintaining healthy teeth that have not been organized, then this risk can be dangerous for your baby.

Cleaning Baby's and Toddler's Teeth
The 20 baby teeth will grow from the age of six months to three years. Then, at the age of six years will be replaced by permanent teeth naturally. Especially since the age of one year, you may need to invite your child to see a dentist. The doctor will evaluate the possible risk of holes in his teeth. The following are things that can be done to maintain dental hygiene for toddlers, including:
  • When the baby is teething, you can clean it with a soft cloth or gauze.
  • Use toothpaste that contains fluoride. However, if your child is under 6 years old, make sure that your child only uses toothpaste the size of a pea and also reminds him not to swallow the toothpaste and spit it out. If your child is under 2 years old, do not use fluoridated toothpaste, unless recommended by a doctor.
  • At the age of 3-4 years, make it a habit to brush their teeth with your help. Remind him to brush his teeth diligently, at least every morning and night. But always remember that each stage of child development is different, there are children who quickly learn to brush their teeth, but some are not. And try to always supervise and check what your little ones do.
It is better to make it a habit for children to stop sucking thumbs or pacifiers, especially at the age of 4 years and over, because of the risk of disrupting tooth growth. If your child still does it, immediately consult the children's dentist.

When the child can brush his own teeth
When did you start accustoming Little to brush his teeth without help?

Some dentists mention that children can only brush their own teeth properly when they can tie their shoes well. Usually around the age of 6 years. In fact, at that age, your supervision is still very much needed.

Teaching children to brush their teeth is not easy, but there are some tricks that you can make a guide, namely:
  • Let him choose the color of his own favorite toothbrush.
  • Use stuffed animals or their favorite characters. Invite him to brush the teeth of a doll or toy after that invite Little to brush his own teeth. You can also teach it directly, by inviting him to brush his teeth together with you.
  • Use a manual toothbrush, not the electric one.
  • Create a pleasant impression when brushing your teeth for example by playing music that accompanies you and your child can brush their teeth to calm them. Or give him a small gift, like a card that can be affixed with stickers, every time he finishes brushing his teeth
  • Basically, children like to imitate. Brush your teeth step by step together with Little One. Guide her to brush toothpaste, brush, and rinse her mouth.
  • Also, teach children to rinse and not swallow toothpaste.
The most important thing is to make yourself an example. If you are lazy to brush your teeth, look reluctant, or rush when you brush your teeth, your child will almost certainly follow your behavior.

Visit the Dentist
Routine examination of the dentist is important to prevent and detect tooth decay as early as possible and cavities. So that children are not afraid when visiting the dentist, there are several things you can do, for example:
  • Schedule the time of your visit to the dentist when the child is in his best condition, such as the afternoon after he woke up to take a nap.
  • Listen and don't ignore if he complains or is scared. Tell positive things about maintaining dental health in children, such as that if the teeth are left untreated, he will not be able to enjoy his favorite ice cream.
  • Choose a dentist who specializes in treating pediatric patients. These doctors generally have attractive and cheerful interior equipment and designs for children.
In addition to brushing your teeth and seeing a dentist, other things that need to be done to maintain a child's dental health care:
  • Children need to eat nutritious foods to maintain healthy teeth, such as fresh vegetables and fruit. Limit consumption of foods high in sugar and processed carbohydrates, such as white bread and juice. Better to give the little fruit that has been cut.
  • Avoid children from exposure to cigarette smoke which is at risk of causing gum disorders and cavities.
  • Teach children to use dental floss.
Permanent teeth that are out of date or have severe cavities must be removed and will not be able to grow again. Instead, cavities that have been removed must use dentures. Therefore, teeth that are cared for early are a good investment for the child's future.

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