Can Coronavirus be Fought with Antibiotics?

Many people wonder about the treatment of COVID-19 which is now officially worldwide. In fact, news blows that antibiotics can treat the Coronavirus. How is the truth?
COVID-19 is a respiratory infection caused by the Coronavirus or officially named SARS-CoV-2. Transmission of the virus generally occurs through splashes of saliva when coughing, sneezing, or talking.

Meanwhile, antibiotics are drugs to treat infections caused by bacteria. This drug works to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria in the body.

Can Corona Virus be Fought with Antibiotics?
Viruses and bacteria are two very different microorganisms, ranging from structure to how they multiply. Antibiotics work by attacking certain structures in bacteria that make it unable to multiply or survive.

This antibiotic-targeted structure is not found in viruses. Therefore, COVID-19 obviously cannot be prevented let alone treated by antibiotics. So, taking antibiotics will not be useful to reduce the spread of the Corona virus.

Taking antibiotics when they are not really needed, for example in a viral infection, can actually cause bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics. This certainly will be detrimental if one day a bacterial infection occurs and there is no effective antibiotic to handle it.

Giving antibiotics to patients who are positively infected by the Coronavirus is actually possible, but only if the doctor assesses the patient at risk of a bacterial infection or if the patient is indeed known to have an additional infection by bacteria.

Until now, there has been no vaccine or drug that has proven effective against Coronavirus infection. Even so, researchers are trying to develop vaccines and drugs to prevent and treat COVID-19.

The most important thing to do now is prevention so that the virus does not spread and the risk of infection decreases. The trick is to wash your hands regularly with clean water and soap, keep a distance of at least 1 meter from people who are sick, and maintain endurance to remain excellent.

If you have a cough or runny nose, you are also advised to wear a mask and avoid traveling for a while. Check with your doctor to get a drug that can relieve symptoms. If the pain does not improve for more than a week, consult a doctor to get further treatment.

Remember, do not use antibiotics carelessly without doctor's advice. If the doctor prescribes antibiotics, use according to the dose and time period specified by the doctor. Don't stop using antibiotics prematurely even though symptoms have improved.

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