Know the Importance of Taking Worm Medicine before Fasting

During fasting, your physical condition must remain optimal. So that fasting can be lived smoothly, in addition to eating nutritious food, you and your family also need to take worm medicine. Moreover, Indonesia is one of the endemic areas for intestinal worms and children are the most vulnerable groups affected.

Worms can be experienced by anyone, both children and adults. Transmission of worms can occur if you eat foods or drinks that are less clean processing or not cooked until cooked, can also when you walk on the ground without wearing footwear. Worm infections occur more easily in people who rarely wash their hands.

Worms can be caused by various types of worms, such as pinworms, tapeworms, and hookworms. These worms can enter the body through the mouth, nose, and even the skin.

Worms do not always show symptoms, so the sufferer may not realize that his body has been infected with worms. Even so, some worms suffer from symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weakness, and weight loss.
Why Do You Need To Take Worm Medicine Before Fasting?
Worms can make the sufferer's body malnourished and weak. This can interfere with daily activities, especially during the fasting month. Therefore, it is important to take anthelmintic before fasting, so that you do not experience a lack of nutrition and weakness due to intestinal worms during fasting later.

The following are some reasons why you need to take anthelmintic before fasting;

1. Maintain the intake of nutrients in the body
Not eating and drinking for more than 12 hours while fasting can make your nutrition and fluid intake decrease. The amount of these nutrients can further shrink if you suffer from intestinal worms.

Worms are parasites that survive by taking nutrients from food in their host intestines, which in this case are humans. If the nutrients in your food are taken by worms, you can lack nutrients so that your body feels weak and lethargic.

Not only that, but the hunger you feel will also be stronger and harder to control because your body does not get enough calories from food. So, so that your fasting is smooth, consume worm medicine before entering the fasting month.

2. Preventing intestinal worms from food and drinks that are less clean
During the fasting month, various foods and drinks for dawn or breaking fast are sold on the roadside. Well, these foods and drinks can be contaminated with dust and dirt that cause disease, including eggs or worm larvae, especially if the processing and presentation is not hygienic.

Not only snacks on the roadside, but home cooking can also be a medium for the transmission of worm eggs if the food is not washed thoroughly or not cooked until cooked.

3. Protect the body when moving in dirty places
Children usually often play outside the house without wearing footwear, even though the ground is one of the worm breeding grounds. At this rate, worms can easily enter the child's body through the soles of the feet, nail cracks, or open sores.

Worms will also more easily enter the body through dirty hands and rarely washed, especially if the hands are used to take food and put it in the mouth.

Worms can also enter through the skin in the legs, worm transmission through this method often occurs in people who often walk on the ground without using footwear.

4. Prevent the risk of other diseases caused by intestinal worms
Untreated worms can cause digestive disorders and increase the risk of dehydration and malnutrition. This condition will certainly interfere with the smoothness of fasting.

Tips for Preventing Worms When Fasting
So that you and your family can go through fasting smoothly and avoid worms, consume worm medicine before fasting.

In addition to using a worm medicine that has been proven effective in treating intestinal worms, you and your family also need to take steps to prevent the following worms;
  • Wash hands with soap and water before eating, before processing food, after defecating or urinating, and after touching animals or cleaning animal cages.
  • Cook the food until it's completely cooked.
  • Wear footwear when going out of the house.
  • Clean the house regularly.
  • Cook groundwater to boil before drinking.
  • Wash fruits, vegetables, and food ingredients thoroughly before being processed or consumed.
There are several choices of worm medicine that can be consumed before fasting to prevent intestinal worms. One of them is pirantel pamoat. This worm medicine can be given to adults and children aged 2 years and over.

If you are unsure of the dosage and rules for taking worm medicine before fasting or feel the symptoms of intestinal worms mentioned above, consult your doctor to get an examination and proper treatment.

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