Clinical Evidence for Preventing Child Allergy with Sinbiotics

Giving synbiotics can help prevent children from affected by allergies. The reason, synbiotics can increase the number of good intestinal bacteria so that intestinal health is maintained. This can indirectly strengthen the child's immune system.

Children whose parents have allergies are more at risk of developing allergies. Even so, you don't need to worry. Your baby's risk of developing allergies can be reduced in a variety of ways, from paying attention to the food intake you consume while pregnant, giving him exclusive breastfeeding, to giving him nutrients that contain synbiotics.

The Role of Synbiotics in Preventing Allergies in Children
The risk of allergies in children can be reduced by giving food containing synbiotics, especially if he is not breastfed. Each probiotic or prebiotic can be found in several types of food.

However, there are rarely foods that contain both of these nutrients at once. Even so, there is already some special formula milk containing synbiotics.

A good combination of prebiotics and milk formula probiotics for children is a combination of Bifidobacterium breve probiotics (B. breve) and fructooligosaccharide (FOS) and galacto oligosacardia (GOS) probiotics.

Because it is a combination of probiotics and prebiotics, synbiotics are able to maintain the balance of good bacteria in the digestive tract of children, so that their digestive health is maintained. If the child's digestive health is maintained, the body's immunity will be stronger and the risk of children getting allergies becomes smaller.

One study even revealed that consumption of synbiotics is effective in preventing and treating atopic dermatitis in children under 1 year old. Atopic dermatitis is a type of allergy that often occurs in infants.

Other Ways to Prevent or Reduce the Risk of Allergy in Children
As explained earlier, your child's risk of developing allergies can actually be reduced or prevented since you are pregnant. If you are still planning a pregnancy or are still pregnant, try implementing the following methods to prevent allergies in children:

1. Do not abstain from food triggers allergies
When pregnant, you are advised not to abstain from certain foods, even foods that are known to often trigger allergies, unless you do have an allergy to these foods or are advised by your doctor not to consume them.

Limiting the variety of food consumed during pregnancy is thought to increase the risk of a child getting allergic. So, consume a variety of healthy foods during pregnancy without the need to abstain.

2. Normal childbirth
Another way that can be taken to reduce the risk of allergies in children is by giving birth normally. During a normal delivery, the child will be exposed to good bacteria in the birth canal or the mother's vagina.

This will increase the composition of good bacteria in the baby's intestine which will then strengthen the baby's immune system. That way, the risk of babies suffering from allergies will be lower.

3. Provide exclusive breastfeeding
Exclusive breastfeeding can also help prevent or reduce the risk of allergies in children. It is important to know that breast milk does not only contain carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that are good for supporting the growth of children but also antibodies that can strengthen the body's immunity.

In addition, breast milk is also a natural synbiotic because it contains probiotics and prebiotics that are needed in maintaining digestive health and endurance.

4. Avoiding exposure to cigarette smoke
You are also advised to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke and not smoking, both during pregnancy and after giving birth. Because the toxins in cigarette smoke can cause interference with the fetus and increase the risk of developing allergies after birth.

That is the way that can be taken to reduce the risk of allergies in children and the reason for the importance of giving synbiotics through formula milk to children who are at high risk of developing allergies.

If these things have been applied but your child is still experiencing allergies, you should consult a doctor to find out how to prevent your allergic attacks and what to do if an allergic reaction arises.

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