Keep Immunization Schedule, Even though COVID-19 Plague

So that the spread of the Coronavirus will not be more widespread, the government urges people to stay indoors and avoid crowded centers, including hospitals. This makes it difficult for many parents to complete their child's vaccinations. So, what should be done?

The Coronavirus pandemic affected many things, including the child's immunization schedule. Not a few parents who hesitate to take their children to the hospital or health center for immunization for fear of contracting the virus that has infected millions of people around the world.
Keep Immunization Schedule, Even though COVID-19 Plague
Immunization services for children continue to run according to schedule, even though COVID-19 is currently plagued by the Coronavirus.

Obligatory to complete basic immunizations given to children is not without reason. Immunization through vaccines will help the child's immune system produce special antibodies to fight various dangerous infectious diseases that threaten children, such as hepatitis B, diphtheria, and polio.

When you miss immunization, children are feared to be susceptible to contracting this disease and experiencing severe illness. In addition, children are also at higher risk of experiencing dangerous complications and can cause disability, even death.

Therefore, Mother needs to complete the Little Child immunization according to the schedule set by the government, yes. The following is a schedule of basic immunization that must be given to children according to their age;
  • Age 0 month: hepatitis B vaccine 0 + OPV 0 (oral poliovirus vaccine)
  • Age 1 month: BCG vaccine
  • Age 2 months: pentavalent 1 vaccine (DPT vaccine + hepatitis B + Hib) + OPV 1
  • Age 3 months: pentavalent 2 + OPV 2 vaccine
  • Age 4 months: pentavalent vaccine 3 + OPV 3 + IPV
  • 9 months old: MR 1 vaccine (measles vaccine)
  • Age of 18 months: pentavalent vaccine 4 + OPV4 + MR 2
For the record, the pentavalent + OPV vaccine can be replaced with a hexavalent vaccine, which is a combination of a pentavalent vaccine and an IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) that can be given in 1 injection.

In addition to the above immunizations, there are also additional immunization schedules that can be given to children, namely;
  • Age 2 months: PCV 1 (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine).
  • Age 4 months: PCV 2.
  • Age of 6 months: PCV 3 + influenza 1 vaccine.
  • Age 7 months: influenza vaccine 2.
If circumstances do not allow for Mother or Little to leave the house, additional immunization can be postponed no longer than 1 month. However, as much as possible try to keep basic immunizations on schedule.

Tips to Prevent Corona Virus Transmission During Immunization
Before leaving for immunization to the hospital, you should contact your doctor or the health service first to make an appointment. This is one of the anticipations that Mother and Little One do not wait too long in a crowd.

In addition, do not forget to always carry a hand sanitizer in your mother's bag when carrying the Little Immunization, yes. Mother and Child are also required to use cloth masks while outside the home, both on the way or at the immunization site.

Always apply physical distancing, which is to maintain a distance of 1-2 meters with others, when Mother and Little are outside the house. If your little one can run around, hold it so that he doesn't go anywhere, especially when in a health facility.

After immunization is complete, go home immediately and try to spend as little time as possible outside the home. Arriving at home, Mother and Little One must immediately wash their hands with water and soap, and change clothes.

If you still have questions regarding immunization or COVID-19 disease, you can make an appointment with a doctor at the hospital for examination and vaccination of children.

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