How to Take Care of a Baby in the First 1000 Days

The first thousand days of life is a golden period for children. From the time of conception until the little one is around two years old, this period is an important time for children's physical growth and mental development. In the first 1,000 days, not only nutrition and stimulation that need attention, how to care for babies must also be a concern of parents.

The first thousand days of a child's life is a period to maximize children's health and development. Proper nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as the provision of MPASI, has been shown to have a large impact on the growth and development of children, as well as reducing the risk of disease, both in children and in mothers.

Caring for Baby Tips in the First 1000 Days are Important to Know
Keeping the baby clean will help him avoid disease while teaching good habits early on. If the child is often sick, growth and development can also be disrupted.

The following is how to care for a baby in the first 1000 days of his life:

  • To bathe
Newborns are actually quite bathed with warm water only. If soap is needed, choose soft soap that is specially formulated for babies. It is important to choose special baby soap because the baby's skin is very sensitive, so it is more susceptible to skin problems and irritation. Clean thoroughly the armpits, groin, neck, and skin folds.

  • Maintain cleanliness of limbs
Wash baby's hands before eating, after eating, and after crawling or playing. When children are older, teach these habits, especially after activities outside the home and playing with animals.
Dental hygiene must also be maintained from an early age. You can brush your baby's teeth and gums from the first time his teeth grow.
Finally, don't forget to routinely cut her nails. Do it after bathing, because at this time the nails will be softer so it is easier to cut.

  • Diaper change
Clean the crotch skin from front to back to prevent urinary tract infections, simply use cotton or tissue that has been soaked in water. Allow to dry or dry by gently patting using a towel. Next, apply a cream specially formulated to prevent and treat diaper rash.

  • Maintain the cleanliness of baby clothes
When buying new clothes for your baby, wash first before wearing it. Washing baby clothes will remove dirt, chemical residues, or dust that might irritate the baby's skin. It is recommended to use special detergents that are formulated for baby's sensitive skin. If you use ordinary detergent, the formula is feared to be too hard so that it can make a baby's skin itchy and inflamed.

  • Maintain the cleanliness of baby feeding equipment
Washing baby feeding equipment, such as pacifiers and bottles, requires special treatment. Baby eating utensils must be kept clean, to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering the Little One's body, given the body's immunity is still weak. Clean baby bottles thoroughly using special soap, baby feeding utensils. This product generally has a food-grade formula, so that if there is still residual cleaning and swallowed by the baby, it will not endanger his health.

You can also use a bottle brush so that you don't have any leftover milk. After that, do the sterilization by boiling, using a microwave, or steaming using an electric sterile device.
There are four points for parents to care for during the first 1,000 days of life, including the fulfillment of nutrition for mothers and babies, exclusive breastfeeding for babies for six months, stimulation of growth and development of the baby, and maintenance of cleanliness. In addition, do not forget to also keep your Little Child's immunization schedule to prevent it from contracting the disease.

It is important to maintain these good habits because they are an investment in children's health in the future. If you have difficulty caring for a baby, you can consult your pediatrician to get the best advice.

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