Soybean Milk for Children

Soy formula is one of the choices of milk that can be given to children suffering from cow's milk allergy because this milk contains vegetable protein and does not contain lactose.

The protein content of soy milk is similar to the protein content of cow's milk. However, different types of protein from cow's milk protein can trigger allergic reactions in children with cow's milk allergy. In addition, soy milk also does not contain lactose which can cause problems in people with lactose intolerance.

However, please note that giving homemade soy milk for children is not recommended. Even though it is high in protein, the nutritional content in milk is not compatible with the overall nutritional needs of children, so that the risk of causing malnutrition and failure to grow.

Well, soy milk is recommended for children with cow's milk allergy is soy milk formula that has been fortified with a variety of important nutrients in the child's growth phase.

Soy Formula Milk for Children with Cow Milk Allergy
Cow's milk allergy is a type of food allergy that is common in children. About 2-3% of children under 3 years suffer from cow's milk allergy. This allergy arises because the immune system overreacts to the protein content found in cow's milk.

The symptoms of cow's milk allergy in children are very diverse, including:
  • Stomach ache
  • Bloated
  • Diarrhea
  • Throw up
  • Itching and rashes appear on the skin
  • Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Watery eyes
  • Fussy or crying often
  • Swelling in certain body parts
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath
If your child is suffering from cow's milk allergy, you can give him soy milk formula, because the protein in soy formula is different from the protein in cow's milk which can trigger your allergic reaction. In addition, soy milk formula is also good to give to children who suffer from lactose intolerance because it does not contain lactose.

How to Choose Soy Milk that is Good for Children
In choosing soy formula for children, there are several things you need to pay attention to regarding the nutritional content in it. Some important ingredients that should be present in children's soy formula are:

1. Fiber
Make sure that the soy formula given to your baby contains fiber. Children aged 1-3 years require 19 grams of fiber supply per day. Because fiber has an important role in digestive health and can prevent constipation in children.

In the digestive tract, fiber also functions as food for good intestinal bacteria whose job is to support the work of the child's immune system.

However, meeting the fiber needs of children through food alone is sometimes difficult, because many children do not like to eat vegetables or fruit. Therefore, the intake of additional fiber in soy formula can be very helpful.

2. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids
To support the development of a child's brain, choose soy formula containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as alpha-linolenic acid, EPA, and DHA, and omega-6, such as arachidonic acid and linoleic acid. Research shows that in a balanced amount, these fatty acids can help improve brain function.

Children who get enough omega-3 and omega-6 intake generally have better memory and catch. Not only that, but an adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids can also even reduce the risk of asthma symptoms in children.

3. FOS and Inulin
Make sure soy formula for children contains fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin. Both of these ingredients are prebiotics that can function similarly to natural prebiotics in breast milk.

Prebiotics are important for the health of the child's digestive tract because they can increase the number of good bacteria in the intestine. More than that, if your Little digestive health is maintained, his immune system will also be stronger.

4. Choline
Choline is a compound that plays an important role in supporting brain development, muscle movement, nervous system work, and body metabolism. This compound is produced in small amounts by the body so it needs to be obtained from daily food.

Children aged 0−12 months need an intake of choline as much as 125-250 mg per day, while children aged 1-3 years need as much as 200 mg of choline per day. To meet these needs, make sure the soy formula given to your child contains choline.

5. Iron
The next nutrient that should be present in soy formula for children is iron. Children who get enough iron intake tend to be more immune to infections because this mineral can strengthen the immune system.

Iron also has a very important role in the spread of oxygen throughout the body. If the distribution of oxygen throughout the body goes well, the body's energy, concentration ability, brain function, and motor abilities of children will increase.

6. Taurin
Finally, make sure soy formula for children contains taurine or amino sulfonic acid. Nutrients that can be found in meat and fish serve to support the development of the brain of the Little One.

Not only that, but taurine also plays an important role in increasing body immunity, maintaining electrolyte balance, maintaining calcium levels, and supporting the function of the brain and eyes of children.

In addition to paying attention to the nutritional content of soy formula, Mother also needs to pay attention to the rules of use. Give soy formula milk to children according to the instructions listed on the product packaging.

If your child is allergic to cow's milk and you want to give him soybean milk formula, it would not hurt you to consult with your doctor to find out the type and amount of soy milk formula that needs to be given to your baby.

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